Overdose Prevention
Oklahoma Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services
Delivered Over 229.5 Million Impressions With a 12-Week Media Flight
We Reached 92.3% of the Target Audience, Oklahomans Ages 18 to 65, With Our Paid Media Strategy
The Number of Times (Frequency) Our Target Audience Saw the Campaign Ads
Accidental overdose is now the leading cause of death for people in the U.S. under 50 years old–CDC. And the majority of those (around 70%) were driven by opioids, including the synthetic opioid fentanyl. Here in Oklahoma, that translates to nearly 1,000 accidental overdose deaths related to opioids every year.
That’s hard to accept. But what’s even harder, is that many of them could have been avoided with life-saving resources like naloxone and fentanyl test strips.
Live Site

How We Helped
Our approach was to treat this as if it were a product launch. That’s because we aren’t just promoting education about accidental overdose, we’re also providing access to these resources at no cost for Oklahomans.
Visuals for the campaign were inspired by the packaging and pop-culture of 60’s mod, combined with 90’s streetwear advertising. A neon pink was selected as a signature color so the messaging would stand out and grab the attention of our viewers.